Summer Character Study
Ashlyn Pinner Ashlyn Pinner

Summer Character Study

An easy-to-follow guide that teaches your kids one biblical characteristic a week. It includes coloring pages, suggested crafts, and ideas for day trips.

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The Ministry of Listening
Ashlyn Pinner Ashlyn Pinner

The Ministry of Listening

When they see that you care about the little things, they will bring you the big things. When they bring you the big things, you’ll have an opportunity to speak life.

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New Endings
Ashlyn Pinner Ashlyn Pinner

New Endings

What we thought was His end, was the greatest beginning.

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Before You Go
Ashlyn Pinner Ashlyn Pinner

Before You Go

There’s no shortage of reasons to leave education. However, I want to encourage you before you go.

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Cheap Peace
Ashlyn Pinner Ashlyn Pinner

Cheap Peace

Paul knew that pursuing peace in cheap places inflicts pain and interrupts your purpose.

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