Cheap Peace
During a recent run, I went from train-wrecked to in-check within a matter of minutes.
I was nearly a mile away from home and nowhere near my goal mileage when my feet began aching. I’m talking about a deep pain from slamming the pavement, a pain that cramped my toes and numbed my knees.
After stubbornly stumbling for another block, I tapped out.
My feet were too tender and my mind was too weary, so I started the long walk home.
I switched from my pump-up jams to a more prayerful playlist, hoping I would at least gain some insight during my run-turned-walk. Once my breathing slowed down and my mind cleared up, I realized the problem. I was trying to run my race in $10 Walmart sneakers. Y’all!
Dang Walmart.
Good, cheap shoes. Okay for all things casual, but definitely not made for more than a stroll.
MOST DEFINITELY NOT made for a race.
If I had some of those nice (expensive) running shoes, I’d still be running right along, killin’ it...
As I blamed my shoes for sidelining me, God painted a picture.
And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.
Hebrews 12:1-2
At salvation, all Christians start running a race.
Yet, time after time we see runners leave the path of faith, tired, injured, and wore down.
Some are crippled by fear. Some paralyzed by pain.
Others are limping, simply because they are wearing cheap shoes…(AKA cheap peace).
...and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
Ephesians 6:15
In Ephesians 6, Paul urges us to suit up in the armor of God and step into the gospel of peace. By walking in the Gospel and wearing peace on our feet, we will not be sidelined or sidetracked from the race He set before us. We will be able to withstand the winding roads, persevere through the ups and downs, and cross the finish line.
Paul knew that pursuing peace in cheap places inflicts pain and interrupts your purpose.
The truth is, this wasn’t the first time I wore cheap shoes in a race.
I spent most of my young adulthood “knowing” Jesus but seeking peace outside of His presence. I tried on shoe after shoe, searching for a pair that was steady and secure: romantic relationships, social settings, a successful career, achievements, alcohol...
Pretty soon I was a mile away from home and hurting.
The only way we will be able to keep running our race is by trusting in Jesus.
In order to gain a true peace that comes from Jesus alone, we have to make an investment.
It costs pride.
I had to humble myself and ask for help as my search for peace in alcohol grew into a dependency. I had to surround myself with people who would speak Truth. It hurt my pride, but it was my first step towards making an investment in true, everlasting peace.
Get a counselor. Ask someone to mentor you. Join a small group.
It costs people and places.
I had to leave certain relationships and set new boundaries in order to take another step towards Jesus. Sometimes in order to gain peace, we have to remove ourselves from certain circles and specific situations that cause confusions and keep us from getting closer to Christ.
Start serving at church. Ask for accountability. And then serve some more!
It costs prayer and praise...and time.
It is only in His presence that we find the type of peace that lasts our lifetime.
We have to take the time and make the effort to be with Him.
To talk to Him in prayer. To sing to Him in worship. To just sit in silence and wait for Him.
Write out your worries. Pray over your list. Praise God for being good. Sit with Him.
It cost His life.
It’s not just the “shoes of peace”, but we are stepping into the gospel of peace. Because of Jesus and His sacrifice for our sins, we have peace knowing that we have eternal life. No matter how hard or far our race is, Jesus has already defeated death and we have victory.
That is why He says in John 16:33, I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.
In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
When we believe the Gospel, we automatically win the race.
We run knowing that we will cross the finish line in victory.
When we believe the Gospel, we can have true peace along the way.
We run assured that at the end of the race, we…
In John 14:27 Jesus says, Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
He knew we would seek out peace in this world. He knew that when we did, it would leave us troubled and afraid. If you are constantly searching for comfort or overwhelmed with the pain of the race, take a second and ask: Where does my peace come from?
If the answer is anything or anyone other than Jesus, it’s time to step into His presence.
Now, lace up and run, girl!
Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.
2 Thessalonians 3:16