Summer Character Study
An easy-to-follow guide that teaches your kids one biblical characteristic a week. It includes coloring pages, suggested crafts, and ideas for day trips.
The Ministry of Listening
When they see that you care about the little things, they will bring you the big things. When they bring you the big things, you’ll have an opportunity to speak life.
I need a drink...and other lies I believed
Drinking somehow became the most natural way to celebrate success and survival, but the reward never outweighed the regret and remorse that I personally felt.
When The Why Isn’t Worth It
I finally stopped trying to remember the why the began recognizing the Who.
Walking on Water Puddles
I can allow the messy moments in the mundane to be a platform of praise.
Before You Go
There’s no shortage of reasons to leave education. However, I want to encourage you before you go.
Cheap Peace
Paul knew that pursuing peace in cheap places inflicts pain and interrupts your purpose.
Easter With Intention
The truth of the Resurrection is something worth honoring with intention.