When The Why Isn’t Worth It

Remember “the why”.
I recently saw this post circulating.
A teacher was listing off the reasons why “the why” of teaching wasn’t enough for her to stay in education.

There are days, months, and seasons when teachers grow callous and cold to the why of teaching.
The rewards are no longer worth the mental exhaustion and emotional fatigue.

Year after year, more and more teachers are putting down their pencils, jumping career paths, and seeking peace and freedom. So, what do you do when the why isn’t worth it any longer?

What do you do when negatives outweigh the positives?
Do you become a body in a classroom just going through the motions?
Do you join The Teacher Exodus and reinvent your career path?

There have been moments where I have considered both.

During the summer of 2020, I begged my husband to give me the green light to resign and remain home with my son.

During the spring of 2021, I carefully calculated and considered taking a variety of other jobs with fewer demands.

During the fall of 2022, I remember thinking, “This would be so much easier if I didn’t care so much.” I wished I was able to mindlessly go through the motions.

After seven years, I have learned my why has been mismanaged.
At times, my why was a position and paycheck.
In other seasons, my why was the people.
Most recently, I saw my why was my impact.

But a why placed in a position, people, or paychecks will always run dry.

I finally stopped trying to remember the why the began recognizing the Who:

The God who created me will sustain me.
The God who sees me will never fail me.
The God who positioned me will equip me.
The God who placed me will give peace beyond understanding.

If you find yourself discouraged or doubting if teaching is worth it, take a moment to recognize and remember the Who. He may call you to leave and transition. He may renew you and give you rest. He may refine you and challenge you. Regardless, I encourage you to let the Lord become your why and see how your outlook and attitude shifts.


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