No Longer Limited

by Nick Crouch

Through losing my sense of purpose, I found God’s purpose for my life. 

I grew up with a strong faith, but the military was my reason.
In 2011, I was in the best condition of my life. 
I was deployed with the United States Navy and spent all of my spare time working. 
I felt more purposeful than ever before serving my country, until I threw my back out.

What seemed to be an injury that would heal with time snowballed into other issues.
I spent the next two years trying every idea that the doctors had. 
Medicine. Physical Therapy. We tried it all.

It finally came time for a decision: I would either be medically retired or left behind.

In 2013, I was medically retired from the United States Navy.
One decision ripped away my purpose and identity.
One decision ended the only plan I had for my life.

For the next four years, I saw doctors to get solutions. 
I completed eight rounds of injections and was finally referred to the Fondren Clinic for surgery.
They would have to cut through my stomach and remove my organs to get to my back.  
They said the chances of me being paralyzed were greater than a successful surgery.
Because of the complexities, they refused to operate on me.

I was angry at God. 
Angry because He took away my passion.
Angry because He uprooted me from my purpose.
Angry because He prevented me from serving my country.

The physical pain was hard, but the pain of losing my purpose was worse.

I started doing my own research and found a doctor who was willing to perform the procedure.
The possibility of being paralyzed was still high, but I was done.
I had to do something. 

On the following Sunday, my pastor checked on me like he always had.
He had been telling me about a specific chiropractor for months.
When I told him that I was calling to schedule surgery that week, he asked once more,
“Have you gone to see my chiropractor? Give them two months, then go from there.”

I gave in, mainly because I didn’t want my pastor to continue questioning me.
I started going to Dr. Brett Gschwend three times a week for adjustments.
Within two months, I was 75% better.
By the following month, I was 90% better.

I told my story over and over again to anyone who would listen.
I started with the pain, then told them about the healing.

After a few years of doing this, I realized a common theme:
Veterans didn’t know where to start in finding help and healing.

Over and over again, I heard
I don’t know who will help.
I don’t know where to start.
I don’t know where to look.
I can’t pay for it.

Pastor Lance gave a message that sparked an idea. 
Something in his sermon allowed God to speak to me and give me the idea of starting a nonprofit. 

On January 3, 2020, a week after that sermon, I formed No Longer Limited Duty. 

Seven years after losing my purpose, God showed me His purpose.
One that would heal me and make me whole.
One that filled the void I had carried for so long.

I saw all the pieces falling into place.
I knew that THIS is what I was supposed to be doing.
This is how God would work things for good.
This was His purpose for me:

To use my own pain to help others find healing and freedom.

I found God’s purpose for my life when I started focusing on others more than myself.
I understood that I couldn't give myself purpose.
I realized that I couldn’t define myself.

God, and only God, defines you and gives you purpose.

When I stepped aside and allowed God to heal me, He did so in ways that I never could have.

Now, this is my badge of honor.
Helping Veterans heal and find freedom.
Filling the gap between insurance and the VA.
Providing holistic and natural healing.
Giving what would be unobtainable otherwise.

Because of God, I am no longer limited by my physical impairments. 
Because of God, I was able to go beyond my own self. 
Because of God, I get to use my pain for purpose.

No Longer Limited Duty became a springboard for even bigger things.
In October 2020, we started SETX Veterans 4 Veterans

We seek to give Veterans camaraderie, purpose, and resources.
When Veterans lose their purpose, we need people who understand.
We need people to walk with us as we find a new sense of purpose.
We need people who understand the need for stability and security.
Most importantly, we need resources without red tape. 

You have a purpose. 
God has a plan. 

I am no longer limited.
You don’t have to be either.

For more information, visit or SETX Veterans 4 Veterans on Facebook.


Here for Him


Decide to Live