My Sanctification Day


by Mary Stankus

A hardened heart. Muted ears. Blinded eyes.
That’s how I lived for a long time…
even after becoming a Christian.

I knew God, but I was not hearing or seeing His plan for me.
Instead, I was seeing the plan I had. I was focused on my way and what was best for me. 

When my husband started working with the youth at our church, I was completely against the idea. Again, my muted ears were hearing what was best for me and my blind eyes were seeing my way. Selfishly, I thought about how much time we would lose, instead of the impact we would be making.
Plus, how would we do this with a baby on the way?

The enemy had me exactly where he wanted me: running away from what God wanted us to do. 

My daughter, Reese, was born and my husband continued walking in obedience and serving with our youth. The more he served, the more I began to spend time with our youth group as well.
The more I served, the more my eyes began to see. 

In July 2019, I finally took a leap and attended a youth event as a leader. 

It wasn’t until September 2019 that God moved in a way that I have never experienced. 

On September 4, 2019, I finally laid my old self down. I gave in. I picked up my cross. I fully surrendered. 
God softened my heart, opened my ears, and cleared my eyes. On that day, I felt as if I was saved for the first time, but my husband called it “sanctified.” 

Sanctification is the process of being freed from sin and purified.
It means that God is continually working within us to make us clean.
It means that we are forever a work in progress. 

September 4, 2019 is my Sanctification Day.
A day as important as my Salvation Day. 
A day that I truly laid my old life down. 
A day that I was convicted and cleansed of old ways.
A day that I became a renewed version of myself.
A day that the fog was lifted and I saw God for what felt like the first time.

A day that began the continual process of God making me more and more like Him.

Months later I journaled about my Sanctification Day.
I wrote, Thank you, God. For You. For Jesus. And for the Holy Spirit.
I pray everyone can see and feel this true joy and light.
It is life changing and life saving.

From that day forward, I began reading the Bible with new eyes, hearing sermons with new ears, and seeing God’s plan for me. This renewal came just in time.

Two weeks later, on September 19, 2019, we flooded. Hurricane Imelda made landfall, and I watched as our home filled with water. We moved furniture upstairs, salvaged what we could, and were taken out of our home. In the middle of the storm, I heard God repeating to me, “Do not fear.” Over and over again, the words flooded my ears as the waters flooded my home. I opened my Bible and read Isaiah 41:10:

So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Because God had renewed my heart, I was able to stand in the flood with faith.
Because I heard God speak, I was able to walk without fear. 
Because I saw God move, I was strengthened. 
Because of my Sanctification Day, I am able to withstand any storm.

We were not created to go through life hardened, deaf, and blind. 
We were not created to have little faith and great fear.

God has a plan for us. He has a plan for you.
He wants you to see Him. He wants you to hear Him.
He wants your heart to be aligned with His. 

He will sanctify what is surrendered to him, so give him your sins and your plans. 
Lay down your life and make room for Him.
Set aside your selfish desires and start serving.
Allow Him to prepare you for the plans He has for you. 

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” 
Jeremiah 29:11


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