Giving for His Glory


by Jessica Utterback

This world can be a terrible place. 
Just walking through the halls of a school building, I hear and see my classmates say and do hurtful things to each other. 

And this is just what happens in public.
We don’t know half of what is going on in private.
We don’t see what happens behind closed doors. 

My family has had their fair share of trials, and in those seasons we were served.
In those seasons, people gave and loved, just like Jesus would do.

I don’t know the battles that others are facing.
I don’t know the hurt that others are processing.
But I do know that Jesus loves them, so I need to serve them.

This is why I try to be kind to everyone, give as much as I can, and use my talents to serve. 
This is why I bake loaves and loaves of banana bread, serve at my church, give my time to community organizations, and stay busy in school activities.

I don’t serve in order to receive or for my own gain, I simply serve because of Jesus. 
He gave the ultimate sacrifice to save me, so the least I could do for him is serve and love others.
I don’t know how I could ever repay Him for saving my life, but I do know a few things:

  • I know that loving and serving others will glorify Him.
    If baking loaves of banana bread and serving at the church does anything, I hope that it will give others a glimpse of God’s love.

  • I know that it builds relationships with others.
    Along the way, I am not only giving to others, but I am able to meet new people, make connections, and build community.

  • I know that it strengthens my relationship with Him.
    When I serve, I am forced to find strength and rest in Him. Serving keeps me connected to God and His Word. Serving keeps my heart focused on Jesus.  

There are days when I have to remind myself why I do what I do.
Days when I’m on my 213th loaf of banana bread or about to fall over after dancing with kids at VBS.
On these days, I have to remember that my service for others is service for my God.

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.
Colossians 3:23

He is why I keep going. He is who I am serving.
Because of Jesus, I am saved. 
Because of Jesus, I serve.

If you ever wonder if what you do matters, it does. I was completely overwhelmed when I was voted Miss BCMS. I didn’t think that what I did was noticed, but God gave me this sweet reminder that people are always watching. Even without this earthly recognition, I know that when I get to heaven, God will be glad that I gave.

I want to leave you with a few reminders:

-You never know what struggles someone else is going through.
-Your service matters to God, always.
-You will never regret giving.

-You are appreciated. You matter. You are loved. 


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