Praise Before the Miracle


by Kaitlyn Potter

After getting married on March 30, 2019, I spent a large portion of the following two years crying, questioning, and calling out to God. My husband and I immediately began trying to get pregnant once we were married. After dating for ten years, you know what you want.

This season of joy and excitement became marked by tears and trials. Shortly after my wedding, my Opa passed away. Then, I watched as friend after friend became mothers, while I waited my turn. I was celebrating new babies, begging God to give me my own, and wondering whether or not He was listening. 

Why was I still waiting?
When would it be my turn?
How long would I have to wait?

In September 2020, after 18 months of negative tests, my husband and I started attending church. We both knew God but were not faithful followers. Slowly, but surely, I started getting plugged in. I began doing Bible studies, talking to God daily, and meeting with friends who were doing the same. 

During one of our morning Bible studies, we read Acts 27. Paul was stuck on a ship in the middle of the storm, desperate for help, but still praising God. 

He praised before His miracle.
He worshipped as if God had already rescued them. 

A few weeks later, I signed up for a conference called Breakthrough. The registration asked for prayer requests. I typed how I needed to understand this journey. I needed to see God’s bigger picture and grander plan. I needed God to prepare me to be the best Mom I could be...whether that was naturally or through adoption. 

I finally realized and accepted that my miracle may not look the way I wanted it to, but I would praise Him all the same. I praised Him BEFORE my miracle

Weeks later I found out that I was pregnant, and a few weeks after that I attended Breakthrough.
There, I got to praise Him FOR my miracle.

I look back and remember the days that I prayed for the things I have now.
The days I cried and questioned. The days I wondered if God was really good.

I can look back and I see His goodness and His faithfulness. 
I see how He was with me in the waiting and He is with me today. 

For those going through a similar struggle…
Those wanting something that it seems you can’t have.
Those waiting for what seems impossible. 
Those growing hopeless for the miracle. 
Those feeling grief for a dream that seems lost.

Keep praying and start praising. 

The miracle may not come in your time, but His time is perfect. 
The miracle may look different than you planned, but His plan is perfect.
Miracles come in all shapes and sizes, and every miracle is worth the wait.

I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him.
1 Samuel 1:27


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