Easier When You Listen

Our first month of three has been…super sweet, but less than easy.
It seems like my son lost all ability to listen, understand, and obey the second he blew out his candles

Toddler Mommas, y’all good?

Seemingly simple tasks that he once completed on autopilot have become foreign and forgotten. 
Shut the door. 
Don’t touch that. 
Pick your toys up. 
Sit down at the table. 

A few mornings ago, World War 17 broke out when we started getting dressed for school. Our communication quickly broke down when I asked him to come get dressed. Then…all out war. 

Once the war was won and the smoke cleared, I calmly explained to my son,

“Everything is easier when you listen.”

I’m still unsure if I was speaking to my son or the Lord was speaking to me...likely both.  

You see, my son heard me. 
Hearing is defined as being told or informed. 

He is told, but doesn’t always listen. 
Listening is to take notice of and ACT. 
It is to respond to advice or a request.  
It is to be alert and ready to hear. 
It is to make an EFFORT to hear. 

I hear God often, but do I listen? 
Do I take action and pray when prompted?
Do I leave room for Him speak?
Do I follow His direction? 
Do I seek Him?

I am often like my son.
I hear, but ignore. 

I follow my own path, take my own advice, listen to my own thoughts, and wind up in a bind.
I either hurt myself or someone else. I miss the mission, get off the path, and miss out of the joy of obedience. 

“Everything is easier when you listen.”

God is speaking. 
Are you listening? 

I encourage you to pause and listen.

Lord, I am listening for you.
Please speak to me. 
I am listening to you.
Help me to obey.


Bugs, Rocks, or Flowers


God, You do it.