Ready When You Are

You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit…
John 15:16

I spent the first fourteen years of my life watching my parents faithfully follow the Lord’s lead.

I went on my first mission trip to El Salvador at six months old. I don’t remember that trip, but I have no doubt that it was the launching pad for my life. 

When I was seven years old, we moved from Canton, TX to Jasper, TX, where my parents held several roles within the church. Then, I went on the first mission trip that I remember to Costa Rica. The trip that confirmed the calling on my life.

We traveled with a church group to meet physical and spiritual needs. I remember one night standing in awe as we took turns sharing short devotions and testimonies. One at a time people from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds stood to share about the same God. I saw unity in a new way. 

I also remember being impressed and impacted by how genuinely welcoming everyone was. They didn’t just open their arms, but they opened their hearts to us. 

We traveled back to Costa Rica multiple times over the next several years.
My experiences across the world changed how I viewed my world.

I saw that the mission wasn’t based on location,
but on where the Lord positions you.

I began praying “Lord, I’m ready when You are.”
I’m ready to travel and share my faith, but I trust your timing.
I’m ready to go wherever you send me, but I trust your plan.

I continued to watch my parents faithfully follow His lead.
Staying when He told them to stay.
Going when He told them to go.

Nearly four years ago, we made another move as a family to Bridge City, Texas right before my freshman year. This time my family’s move felt personal to me. It wasn’t just me following their plan, but it was God starting to reveal my own. I felt positioned purposefully for the first time.

I have spent the last four years on mission in my school. God showed me how to bring the unity and hospitality I saw in Costa Rica right here to my classrooms. He taught me to seek to give more than I looked to gain. He walked me through learning to trust His timing and positioning.

I saw that I could make a change across the world,
but first God wanted me to make a difference in my school. 

I can see how along the way He has been preparing me for what comes next.

In the summer, I will be traveling to Johannesburg, South Africa on my first independent mission trip. The series of events that led to this opportunity has no explanation outside of God. 

Every move, every friendship, every failure led to this.

When I return from South Africa, I will be playing soccer at Southwestern Assemblies of God University. As I see my next several steps, I want to remember to be wherever my feet are. I want to continue to pray, “Lord, I’m ready when You are.”

I’m ready to move and ready to wait.
I’m ready to go and ready to stay.
I’m ready for whatever you have.

I’ll go wherever you send me.
I’ll go to South Africa.
I’ll go to the classroom.
I’ll go to the ends of the earth.

Wherever you are, He sent you there.
Be faithful where your feet are.
Be ready for what comes next. 

If you would like to support Raema’s upcoming trip to Johannesburg, South Africa, you can donate below or order a shirt or sweatshirt. All proceeds will help take the Gospel to the ends of the earth!


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Because He is Faithful


Blind Obedience