A Heart that Burns

by Misty Mott

I am a 5th generation pastor,
but the enemy tried to take me out before I ever got started. 

All I know is church life. 
Being raised in ministry, I saw the divine and the dirt.
I grew up watching people live in hypocrisy and hurt my parents.

As a child, you just don’t have the capability to sift through the dirt and cling to the truth.
The enemy got in quickly and filled my heart and mind with lies about God and His people. 

It all started with unforgiveness. 

My teenage years were filled with church hurt that went unchecked and unforgiven.
I held on to grudges, believed lies about God’s people, and refused forgiveness.
The thing about unforgiveness is that it opens the door to a world of hurt. 

Unforgiveness comes with friends:
bitterness, depression, and anxiety.

I attempted to ignore my deep emotions and confusion, which led me into an eating disorder. 

Deep down I still had a yearning for Jesus.
He always had my heart, even in my hurt.
Yet, my life showed no fruit and no stability.

In this season, my love for Jesus was clouded by my hate for His church and church people. 

Then, I had an undeniable, tangible, life-wrecking encounter with Jesus in 2008.
I had gone into a church conference with a dark heaviness.
I was bitter and depressed, clinging to pain from the past. 

During the service, the minister laid hands on me, and my body literally went backwards. God’s power was so tangible in my moment. I could feel His healing throughout my body. I laid on the ground feeling like I was getting heart surgery by the Lord. 

 And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.
Ezekiel 36:26

He gave me a new heart.
He removed everything that I walked in with and replaced it with love.
A deep, passionate love for Him and His people.

I stood up from that encounter so in love with the body of Christ, so in love with His bride.
I saw the potential of His people, His church, and our region. 

Over the years I have had to be a steward of the heart God gave me.
I have had to guard and protect it.
I have had to keep it filled with truth.
I have had to work for it.

But His grace has carried me.

God is so good that in 2008 He knew He would have to intervene.
He knew that me in 2022 would need a new heart. 
He knew that I needed radical change. 
So, He stepped in and filled the gap. 

Today, there is an intense urgency within me.
I am madly in love with Jesus and on fire for this region.
I burn for the church.

God is pushing me to prepare the church for his return.
We have to put them in position. 
We have to wake them up. 

I may be misunderstood, but I have to express my love the way that He made me to.
Because my new heart burns for His people. 

Revival is coming to Southeast Texas.
The Lord is waking up this region.
He is changing hearts and setting fires.

I urge you to take one step towards Jesus today and never look back.
Run after Him with everything you have, and bring everyone that you can.

Never let the fire in your heart go out. Keep it alive. Serve the Lord.
Romans 12:11


Saved by Praise


The Pursuit