We All Have a Story

by Fenley Rockenschuh

For years, I was frustrated. 
I had heard so many testimonies of people going from darkness to light.
Enslaved to set free.
Addicted to healed. 

I compared those stories to my own and felt insignificant. 
I believed that my story didn’t have the power to move people.

During 252, a summer internship through my church, I was given an opportunity to share my story.
As I wrote, I realized that I did have a story…
and every story is important.

My story is that I have stayed close to Jesus, because of Him, and by Him.

Church has been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember. 
We attend, we worship, and we serve.
Because of this, I was labeled as a “goody good” in school.

Even when I was invited to parties or places I shouldn’t go, I wasn’t able to.
My mom set ground rules and guidelines that I am thankful for. 
She has kept me steady.
She has kept me on track. 

Because of my mom’s love for me, I have been guided, corrected, and counseled through school.
Because of God’s love for me, I am saved, full of joy, and free. 
I don’t have drunken regrets or high school heartbreaks. 
I don’t have blurry weekends or addictions.

I have a life full of fun, friends, and worship.
I have a story that proves you can make it through high school without walking with the world. 
I have a story that I will keep sharing. 

The enemy will feed you a hundred lies as to why you shouldn’t share your story.
It’s not important or powerful enough.
It’s too bad and too ugly.
You are too young to share.
You aren’t equipped to share. 

Here is the truth:
They triumphed over him
by the blood of the Lamb
by the word of their testimony;
Revelation 12:11

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12

Everyone has a story.
Every story has power.

My story is that I stay.
I stay close to God and close to people who keep me accountable. 

If you feel far away or have strayed, here is how I have stayed:

-I have a relationship with God.
I talk to Him in prayer. I meet with Him by reading His Word.
I make time for Him and consistently go to church and small groups.

-I am held accountable.
Through church and small groups, I built a relationship with Katie Hunt and Abby Overman.
Both of these amazing women have shared the truth, checked on me, and continue to lead me.

-I found the right friends.
In high school, your friends will determine your future. I am so thankful that my friends are involved in church and invested in their relationship with Jesus. 

This is my story. 

My story is power.
My story is proof.

By Jesus and because of Jesus, you can withstand temptation, resist the world, and walk in freedom.


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