Clean up, Clean up

My son is good at several things.
Making BIG messes is one of those things.

In no time, he can turn a tidy living room into the aftermath of a storm.
He is the storm.

Recently, I was asking (just short of begging) him to clean up.
I sang the cleanup song and proposed that we race to pick up the trucks.
I finally firmly demanded, trying my very best not to go full crazy. 


I took a step back, took a breath in, and slowed down.
I began to explain to him why we needed to clean up.

I ended my pep talk with, “A little cleaning every day goes a long way.”
Gut punch. I was talking to my son, but the Lord was speaking to me.

As I encouraged him to pick up our living room disaster,
the Lord encouraged me to clean out the cobwebs of my heart.

When was the last time you sat and evaluated your heart condition?
When was the last time you cleaned out your offense and unforgiveness?
When was the last time you repented, returned, and let Me renew you?

A little cleaning every day goes a long way.

Just like many of us tidy up a little each day, we should also tidy our hearts. 
We should allow God to ensure our hearts are aligned with His.
We should make room for Him to reveal areas that need attention.

If we don’t do this daily, our hearts become messy and murky.
Layers of dust turn into doubt, distraction, and discouragement.
Cobwebs contaminate our purpose and passions.
Our hearts grow dirty, dingy, and dark.

A little cleaning every day goes a long way.

Be intentional to do a little cleaning each day.
Allow God to sweep your heart every morning.

“Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me.”
Psalm 51:10

Reflection Questions:

  1. Write down any offenses, frustrations, fears, or desires
    that God is asking you to clear out of your heart.

  2. Intentionally confess and turn your cleared out heart back to God.
    Ask Him to fill your heart with His heart’s desires.

Deeper Reading: Psalm 37


A Walmart Revelation


Bugs, Rocks, or Flowers