Call Him by Name

My son is nearly three and has taught me more about God and myself than I ever imagined. 

It’s in the simple (not always sweet) moments that God’s goodness and character have been magnified and revealed. 

A few weeks ago, I put my son to bed, turned on the monitor, and sunk into the couch. You know that moment of glory when all is finished and you have a brief moment to just be? Amen. 

After a while, my son started stirring. I watched him fight to get comfortable and listened as he softly whined. I knew he was in need, but I wasn’t sure if he needed me. 

His whines turned to a quiet cry, but I gave him a moment more to self soothe and sort it out. 

Then, he made known his need. 

That’s it. 
That’s when I knew to go. 
I knew it’s me who he needs. 
I knew it’s me who he wants. 

It was the moment he called my name. 

As I made my way back to the couch
after giving comfort and assurance, 
God reminded me that He works the same. 

He wants to know that it is 
Him who we want and need. 
He knows that we are in need.
He sees our wants and needs. 

However, there is something about us recognizing, admitting, and vocalizing our need for Jesus that pleases and glorifies Him. 
It shows our humility + dependence. 
It reveals where we find strength. 
It gives Him all of the glory. 

Supernatural healing, comfort, peace, and joy come when we call on the name of Jesus. 

HE comes when we call on His name. 

Instead of groaning, complaining, or venting, call on the name of Jesus in every season and circumstance. 
Call Jesus when you are afraid.
Call Jesus when you feel alone. 
Call Jesus when you are uncertain 
Call Jesus when you are overwhelmed. 
Call Him by name. 

I called to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I was saved from my enemies. 
Psalm 18:3 

Call upon Me in the day of trouble;
I shall rescue you, and you will honor Me. 
Psalm 50:15

For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, abundant in lovingkindness to all who call upon You. 
Psalm 86:5


God, You do it.


I Will Praise You the Same