Unexpected Protection

I had a plan. 
I knew what we were going to do. 
If the tornado watch became a warning, we would “picnic” in the bathroom. 

I was home alone with my son, focused on two things:
-Keep him safe. 
-Keep his peace. 

I knew where we were going, but I needed him to follow.

As I began the plan, I asked him to help choose snacks and lay down blankets. I wanted him involved and engaged. 
His first response was, “Outside!” That’s where all good picnics take place, right?
…but he trusted me and listened. 

We gathered toys, made a playlist, danced, and prepared for a tornado. 

The storm progressed, and it was time to seek protection.
My son didn’t protest, pout, or take his own path. 
He followed my lead and submitted to the plan. 

Not only did we picnic, but we enjoyed it. 
We talked, sang, read, and giggled. 

He no longer wanted outside. He never even noticed the storm. 
He found adventure in something new, while being protected from something else. 

He wasn’t worried. He trusted me. 
He wasn’t lost. He followed my lead. 
He didn’t fear. He focused on me. 

If we had the picnic outside like he wanted, we would have been damaged in the storm. 

Instead, I positioned us for protection. 
I moved us out of harm’s way. 
I planned to keep peace. 

The bathroom picnic was his unexpected protection. 

Isn’t that what God does for us?
He protects us in unexpected ways. 
He moves us from harm’s way. 
He leads us to peace. 

I know in the middle of my own storms, I tend to take control and create a plan. 
I cause myself more chaos instead of leaning on the Source of comfort. 
I forge my own path instead of fixing my eyes on my Heavenly Father. 
I long for the outdoor picnic, instead of trusting His plan. 

Your current season may feel a lot like a bathroom picnic. 
Unexpected. Out of place. Uncomfortable. Less than. 

Instead of longing for a different position, I encourage you to do what my son did:
-He followed with trust and submission.  
-He focused on me and my provision.
-He found joy in his unique position. 

Make note of God’s provision and praise Him for unexpected protection and position. 

Those who live in the shelter 
of the Most High will find rest 
in the shadow of the Almighty. 
This I declare about the Lord: 
He alone is my refuge, place of safety;
he is my God, and I trust him. 
He will cover you with his feathers. 
He will shelter you with his wings. 
His faithful promises are your
your armor and protection. 
Do not be afraid…
Psalms‬ ‭91‬:‭1‬-‭2‬, ‭4‬-‭5‬


I Will Praise You the Same